Director of the Board
Mark is a project leader with Barnardos and runs a child & family support service in Tallaght. He has worked extensively in the area of social care in both a voluntary and paid capacity since 1991 and holds a BA in Applied Social Care Practice. He has experience working in the areas of disability, residential care, early years, youth work, parenting & crisis support, child protection & welfare and Traveller family & community support.
He has previously served as chairperson of the Ballyfermot Traveller Action Project and was a co-founder and chairperson of the Ballyfermot Network Challenging Violence against Women. Mark is currently acting chairperson of South Dublin County Childcare Committee and volunteers as a Meitheal facilitator for Tusla, the Child & Family Agency.
As well as supporting children and families actively or previously affected by domestic violence, Mark also advocates for early intervention and prevention and assisting families to build on their strengths to meet the needs of their children.