Interim CEO
Elena Sadoveanu

We are delighted to be introducing our new interim CEO Elena Sadoveanu.

Elena was appointed Interim CEO in March 2023 and will remain in the post for the duration of the leave of absence of our CEO, Allison Graham.

Prior to this position Elena held a number of posts in the public, private and charitable sectors, her most recent as Deputy CEO of Spina Bifida Hydrocephalus Ireland.

Her early career was in the area of Education and Training where she held posts in, Course Delivery, Training Administration, Curriculum Development, Test & Certification, Quality Assurance and Budgeting.

Elena has been a founder, director and financial controller of a number of start-up companies in the construction sector, with a particular focus on energy performance and carbon reduction.  She is a passionate believer in the benefits, of deep retrofitting dwellings, especially for poor and vulnerable families.

As part of the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland’s Carbon Reduction Strategy, Elena was a member of a team that developed a Deep Retrofit Pilot Programme and she was financial controller and administrator during its delivery.  Following its success this programme has now being expanded and rolled out across the country.

Elena graduated from NUI Galway with a first class honours degree in Training and Education.  In addition, she holds a number of qualifications in a broad range of subjects, including, ICT, Finance, Administration, Communications, Managing People and Tasks, Occupational Health and Customer Service.

With a passionate interest in helping the vulnerable and marginalised, Elena is a key member of an NGO which provides funding and support to poorer communities in Ireland and Africa.

She loves new challenges and her hobbies include personal development, exercise and gardening, which she describes as calming and therapeutic.

We all at SDVS are wishing Elena the very best of luck in her new role.