Services and Facilities

  • 24 Hr helpline providing support and a listening non judgement ear 01 4630000
  • Short term crisis accommodation for women and children suffering Domestic Violence
  • Refuge which is staffed 24 Hrs a day / 365 days a year
  • Therapeutic playroom on site with qualified childcare workers to work with resident children
  • Outreach service providing support, practical help and court accompaniment for women who cannot or do not want to come to refuge
  • Information talks and workshops with groups, schools, etc. around the issues of Domestic Violence
Saoirse Women’s Refuge provides crisis accommodation for up to 6 family’s at one time escaping Domestic violence. The refuge is based in Tallaght but will accept helpline calls and referrals from women across Ireland. Although our accommodation is short term / crisis only we understand that each family’s circumstances are unique. Some families may only stay overnight while others need more time to secure their safety.