The Freedom Programme

The Freedom Programme is a group work intervention facilitated by SDVS trained staff to empower, education and support women who are experiencing or have experienced domestic violence. Through the weekly group meeting the women are supported to recognise the warning signs for potential future abusers. The groups are held in a confidential group setting providing women with peer-support from others who have had similar experiences. The peer- support element of the group has been evidenced as having a positive impact on women.

The Freedom Programme is a free 12 week programme open to any woman who has been affected by the impact of an abusive relationship. A woman can attend if she is still living with an abusive partner or has left the relationship.

It aims to:

  • Explore and challenge the beliefs held by abusive partners
  • Explore the tactics and behaviours of abusive partners
  • Look at the effects of domestic abuse on children
  • Help you to recognise warning signs and potential future abusers
  • Help to improve your self-esteem and gain confidence
  • Enable you to get to know other women who have had similar experiences

To enquire about The Freedom Programme or to reserve a place, please email our Outreach Team at